Welcome to Australia's Largest Practical Training Day, part of our 2025 THRIVE Passivhaus Conference!
Start the day with Wade Bashaw (North South Homes) as MC, followed by expert insights on airtightness, weather tightness, and mechanical ventilation from Daniel Jakobs (pro clima) and Joel Seagren (Fantech). Passivhaus Building Certifiers Marcus Strang (Hip V Hype) and Luc Plowman (Detail Green) will share their incredible insight to common mistakes builders make when working on a Passivhaus certified project in a Q&A format.
After lunch, attendees will be split into multiple groups for hands on experience with pro clima trainers, showcasing pro clima materials and how to create airtight wall penetrations, wrap penetration walls and external walls, and window preparation. Siegware will offer a short presentation on the importance of windows in a Passivhaus building and give a window installation demonstration.
After the practical training, attendees will enjoy a presentation on CIRS and mould related illnesses from Jessica Allen (Climasure) and the day will finish with a discussion from Brian Guinan (ISMART Building Group) and Joe Mercieca (Blue Eco Comes) on everything required to start a Passivhaus business.
Where: HIP V. HYPE's Better Building Exchange, Brunswick VIC
When: Wednesday, 18 June 2025
Time: 10am - 5pm
Cost: $450 Non-Members | $350 Members
Lunch and afternoon tea included.
Receive 8 Passivhaus CPD points towards renewing your Passivhaus Certification.