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Save the dateAugust 29, 202416:00 - 18:00 GMT +09:30 Add to Calendar
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Venue Location

Adelaide Brickworks Design Studio

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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Contact Person: Samantha Howe
Event Details
Event Details


Pecha Kucha is a dynamic, fast paced storytelling format where presenters showcase 20 slides with 20 seconds of commentary each. This makes a compelling, environment that keeps the speakers moving to present their ideas in a concise punchy pitch!

This a fun way for professionals to share a journey, idea or story. Our speakers will captivate you with ideas and information to inspire further thought or be practically implemented day-to-day.

Join us as we launch 2024 Passivhaus Pecha Kucha night across the nation!

In each city Pecha Kucha will consist of minimum 5 presentations across different topics in 60 minutes, followed by a fun evening of networking where you can meet the local passivhaus and high performance building professionals.


  • SPEAKER ONE: Jackson Digney - Comfort and Health First

The discussion about how building for comfort and health is the primary aim, energy usage is the benefit that flows from it and to make it easy for everyone to understand and compare, energy usage needs to be part of the picture. However, for a homeowner, the benefits on comfort and health are where education is lacking.

  • SPEAKER TWO: Jan Vandzura - Building with BENEX blocks

Double store 4-bedroom Insulated with BENEX blocks and Solar panels Roof blanket External. 75mm render panel and thermally broken double glazed windows Heat pump - hot water heater Miele energy efficient appliances

  • SPEAKER THREE: Jonathen Hindry - MVHR and Hot water solutions in Passive House

Johnathen will firstly discuss to get MVHR right at the design stage, Space for system components, Bathroom and kitchen extraction, Balancing & Commissioning. Afterwards, he will discuss about MVHR Maintenance and Heat pump hot water solutions.

  • SPEAKER FOUR: Monika Rogers - Fenestration Capabilities

Fenestration capabilities and design for the PH by allowing natural daylight and outdoor views, representing the least thermally efficient portion of the building envelope, and thus can be a source of unwanted direct sunlight and associated discomfort glare.


  • Date: 29th August 2024
  • Time: 4:00 - 6:00pm
  • Location: Brickworks Design Studio. Light refreshments will be provided.

Thank you to our venue host Brickworks Design Studio. We look forward to seeing you there!

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