Event Details

Passivhaus buildings are associated with low energy use and high levels of comfort and indoor air quality. In order to operate these buildings at their optimum some occupant input (particularly in a residential context) is required. and there are practical limits to these outcomes that arise from necessary design limits used in building design. This presentation highlights the important role that occupants play in Passivhaus building performance, the limitation of performance that can be observed at certain times, and the reasons behind these. A single page "Passivhaus Quick Start" manual will be presented that attendees can offer to new clients of Passivhaus projects.

Join us for a one-hour session with Joel Seagren, a mechanical engineer specializing in intelligent ventilation solutions at Fantech, and Cameron Munro, an aerospace engineer with a PhD focused on transport modeling. Joel is passionate about creating energy-efficient spaces with high indoor air quality, while Cameron applies analytical rigor and best practices to designing healthy, comfortable, and sustainable homes.

Key learning outcomes

  • Understand the assumed role of the occupant in Passivhaus Design
  • Understand the way technical design limits translate in performance outcomes
  • Prioritise the key actions that occupants should undertake
  • Provide a "Quick Start" manual for new occupants on key steps to achieve expected Passivhaus performance

Event Details:

  • Date: 16th April 2025
  • Time 12:30pm - 1:30pm (AEST)

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