Event Details

We understand that Passivhaus may be new to many of our members, so the primary goal of these sessions is to open up the conversation around Passivhaus and bridge the knowledge gap by providing you with an opportunity to get your questions answered by a foremost Passivhaus expert in Australia.

To give you an idea of what's involved, some of the topics our Certifiers have covered previously include: 

  • Navigating PHPP and DesignPH.
  • Modelling components without sufficient manufacturer data.
  • The importance of specifying PH-certified products.
  • Common errors involved in the build and certification process. 
  • Addressing future climate risk in PHPP 10.

If you're a member, you can find all previous questions and answers on your member-only website under "Certification FAQ".

Don't forget to share your top 3 questions when registering for the online event!


Ask the Certifier is a live, interactive event where members share their burning Passivhaus questions with the experts. The primary goal of these sessions is to open up the conversation around Passivhaus certification and provide our members with a unique opportunity to connect with our experienced Passivhaus Certifiers. We believe in the power of knowledge-sharing and collaboration, and this event aims to bridge the gap between our members and the experts in the certification domain.


  • Luc Plowman (Director of Detail Green)

    Luc Plowman

    Director of Detail Green

    Luc is a Sustainability Engineer and director of Detail Green. With a background in the commercial building industry and a range of Green Building qualifications including Certified Passivhaus Consultant & Building Certifier, Green Star Professional as well as NatHERS Assessor, Luc provides specialist ESD input to all areas of the built environment.

    Luc is passionate about ensuring buildings are designed and constructed in a manner to minimise their environmental impact during their whole life cycle.

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