Event Details

Key Points:

  • Comparative symptom diary and respiratory questionnaire.
  • Weather data.
  • Indoor air quality data from both properties.
  • Building biologist's report.


A story documented by a Respiratory Nurse & Passivhaus Builder, Merylese Mercieca.

Kristy a 31-year-old moved into her 18-month-old Western Sydney rental to escape a leaky, mouldy rental which negatively impacted her respiratory system.

She never guessed that the move to a relatively new building built to code would leave her health still impacted. Fortunate enough to have an unoccupied display home, Blue Eco Homes was able to offer Kristy an alternative Passivhaus home to reside in temporarily.

Over 2 months both properties were monitored for indoor air quality, in addition to Kristy's physical response to the contrasting environments.

It was a revelation to see the dramatic changes in Kristy's health when residing in the Passivhaus. The long-term symptoms she was suffering: runny nose, sinus infection, headaches, persistent coughing- disappeared almost immediately.

But within a few days of moving back into her code home, her symptoms returned.

Join us for a 1-hour online session where Merylese dives into the health benefits of a Passivhaus

  • Date: 16th October 2024
  • Time 16:00pm - 17:00pm (AEST)
  • Location: Online

*The zoom link will be sent via email the day prior and morning of the webinar, please check your junk mail if you do not receive it.


16:00 - 17:00
Passivhaus Buildings and Respiratory Health Benefits Case Study


  • Merylese Mercieca (Business Manager at Blue Eco Homes)

    Merylese Mercieca

    Business Manager at Blue Eco Homes

    As Business Manager, Co-founder and Occupational Health Nurse for Blue Eco Homes, Merylese is responsible for the company’s business operations, the staff and the health effects of current building standards.

    Her background as a senior Respiratory Nurse has given her a different perspective on the health and well-being of people. As well as a Master’s degree in Health Science from the University of Western Sydney, Merylese also holds a Cert IV in Carbon Management.

    As a believer in the growth and sustainability of the business within the building industry, Merylese understands the key factor to success starts with the people: staff, clients and the wider community. It is this belief that has seen Merylese source and provide both professional and personal development opportunities for all the staff at Blue Eco Homes, to ensure a continually growing and improving team.

    With the development and maintenance of the company’s Management System to International ISO standards, Merylese has ensured clients are provided with the highest standard of quality and environmental service.

    Outside of Blue Eco Homes Merylese remains involved and passionate about the broader business and general community, as a valued member of various business networks, construction groups, community groups and reputable charities.

    Labelled a ‘veritable powerhouse’ when awarded the Housing Industry Association (HIA) Australian Business Partner Award in 2017, Merylese has always provided a strong direction in the sustainability of Blue Eco Homes. With a vision to build on a strong reputation as a high-quality construction business, she has a passion for showing Blue Eco Homes can protect the environment and promote sustainable, healthy living.

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